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Clinical Trial Optimization Podcast

What the New, Combined MCC/AQC Consortium Means for the Clinical Trials Industry with AQC’s Patty Leuchten and MCC’s Linda Sullivan


How will the collaboration between Metrics Champion Consortium (MCC) and Avoca Quality Consortium (AQC) help develop new deliverables for the clinical trials industry? That’s the key topic explored during MCC’s Linda Sullivan’s special interview with Patty Leuchten, Founder and CEO of WCG Avoca. In September 2021, WCG announced exciting news: AQC and MCC were joining forces in 2022 to form a single industry consortium. AQC and MCC are similar in having SMEs facilitate the research and development of consortium deliverables with the input of consortium members rather than having member companies do the “heavy lifting.” Leuchten and Sullivan discuss how their two organizations will be working together to integrate the extensive AQC knowledge center assets and MCC metric sets and tools. This collaboration will enable the single consortium to produce new resources for the industry to utilize in several clinical trials areas. Leuchten talks about her experience with clinical trials during the COVID pandemic, noting how it spurred innovation with new technology without incurring “undue risk.” In conclusion, Sullivan and Leuchten agree that the new consortium platform will provide an exciting resource and added value for members to explore and drive innovation in conducting clinical trials.

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